St. Gregory the Illuminator, "Stromata" (Yachaxapatum), Excerpt from Homily II, St. Nerses the Grace-Filled, An Excerpt from the Encyclical Letter
Readings From the Church Fathers
St. Gregory the Illuminator, "Stromata" (Yachaxapatum), Excerpt from Homily II
St. Nerses the Grace-Filled, An Excerpt from the Encyclical Letter

St. Ephrem the Syrian, Jesus the Light of the World, St. Gregory the Illuminator, Stromata (Yachakhapatum), Excerpt from Homily III
Readings From the Church Fathers
St. Ephrem the Syrian, Jesus the Light of the World
St. Gregory the Illuminator, Stromata (Yachakhapatum), Excerpt from Homily III