The Bible and Lives of Saints

The Bible and Lives of Saints

The Day in the Liturgical Calendar
The Bible and Lives of Saints



The Day in the Liturgical Calendar

1 Cor. 11:1-16, Mk. 1:35-45

The Bible and Lives of Saints
Saints Sophia, and Her Daughters Pistis, Elpis, and Agape

Saints Sophia, and Her Daughters Pistis, Elpis, and Agape

The Day in the Liturgical Calendar

Prov. 11:30-12:4, Hos. 14:6-9, 2 Cor. 4:6-14, Lk. 12:2-10

The Bible and Lives of Saints


The Day in the Liturgical Calendar

1 Cor. 7:25-35, Mt. 19:13-26

The Bible and Lives of Saints
12 Minor Prophets – Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi

12 Minor Prophets – Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi

The Day in the Liturgical Calendar

Hos. 10:11-12, Am. 5:10-14, Mal. 7:7-9, Joel 2:12-13, Obad. 1:20-21, Jon. 4:2, Nah. 1:7-9, Hab. 1:1-3, Zeph. 1:7-8, Hag. 2:7-10, Zech. 7:9-13, Mal. 1:4-6, Rom.11:2-5, Lk. 13:31-35

The Bible and Lives of Saints
Holy Maccabees, Eleazar the Priest, Shamone and her seven sons

Holy Maccabees, Eleazar the Priest, Shamone and her seven sons

The Day in the Liturgical Calendar

Prov. 29:2-7, 2 Macc. 6:18-7:42: Heb. 11:32-40, Mt. 5:17-20

The Bible and Lives of Saints
Third Sunday after Transfiguration

Third Sunday after Transfiguration

The Day in the Liturgical Calendar

Isa. 5:1-10, 1 Cor. 6:18-7:11, Mt. 19:3-12

The Bible and Lives of Saints
Sons and Grandsons of St. Gregory the Illuminator: SS. Aristakes, Vrtanes, Husik, Grigoris and Daniel

Sons and Grandsons of St. Gregory the Illuminator: SS. Aristakes, Vrtanes, Husik, Grigoris and Daniel

The Day in the Liturgical Calendar

Jer. 17:7-8, Isa. 61:3-7, 2 Tim. 1:6-14, Lk. 11:29-32

The Bible and Lives of Saints


The Day in the Liturgical Calendar

1 Cor. 5:9-6:10, Mt. 18:23-35

The Bible and Lives of Saints
Holy Patriarchs Adam, Abel, Seth, Enos, Enoch, Noah, Melchizedech, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Aaron, Eleazar, Joshua, Samuel, Samson, Jephthah, Barak, Gideon, and Other Holy Patriarchs

Holy Patriarchs Adam, Abel, Seth, Enos, Enoch, Noah, Melchizedech, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Aaron, Eleazar, Joshua, Samuel, Samson, Jephthah, Barak, Gideon, and Other Holy Patriarchs

The Day in the Liturgical Calendar

Num. 20:23-30, Deut. 34:5-12, Nav. 24:29-33, 1 Sam. 15:34-16:13, Heb. 11:1-31, Lk. 20:34-40

The Bible and Lives of Saints


The Day in the Liturgical Calendar

1 Cor. 2:12-3:10, Mt. 18:15-22

The Bible and Lives of Saints
Saints Athenogenes the Bishop and His Ten Disciples and Five Martyrs

Saints Athenogenes the Bishop and His Ten Disciples and Five Martyrs

The Day in the Liturgical Calendar

Prov. 8:1-4, Mal. 2:5-7, 1 Pet. 5:1-7, Jn. 16:33-17:8

The Bible and Lives of Saints
Saints Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage, and the Forty-Five Martyrs, and the Virgins Justina, Euphemia, and Christina

Saints Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage, and the Forty-Five Martyrs, and the Virgins Justina, Euphemia, and Christina

The Day in the Liturgical Calendar

Isa. 46:12-13, Gal. 3:13-22, Jn. 15:1-10

The Bible and Lives of Saints
Second Sunday after Transfiguration

Second Sunday after Transfiguration

The Day in the Liturgical Calendar

Isa. 3:16-4:1, 1 Cor. 1:25-30, Mt. 18:10-14

The Bible and Lives of Saints
Saints Thaddeus the Apostle and Sandoukht the Virgin

Saints Thaddeus the Apostle and Sandoukht the Virgin

The Day in the Liturgical Calendar

Wis. 1:1-7, Jer. 16:16-21, 1 Cor. 12:28-13:10, Lk. 9:1-6

The Bible and Lives of Saints


The Day in the Liturgical Calendar

1 Cor. 1:10-18, Mt. 18:2-9

The Bible and Lives of Saints
Isaiah the Prophet

Isaiah the Prophet

The Day in the Liturgical Calendar

Isa. 6:1-10, Heb. 11:32-40, Lk. 4:14-22

The Bible and Lives of Saints


The Day in the Liturgical Calendar

1 Cor. 1:1-8, Mt. 17:21-18:4

The Bible and Lives of Saints
Third Day of the Transfiguration

Third Day of the Transfiguration

The Day in the Liturgical Calendar

Ex.19:16-20, 3 King 19:11-16, Heb.12:18-27, Lk. 9:27-36

The Bible and Lives of Saints
Second Day of the Transfiguration: Memorial Day

Second Day of the Transfiguration: Memorial Day

The Day in the Liturgical Calendar

Ex. 19:9-13, 2 Kings 2:9-12, 1 Jn. 5:9-12, Jn. 1:1-17

The Bible and Lives of Saints
Feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Vardavar)

Feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Vardavar)

The Day in the Liturgical Calendar

Wis. 7:25-8:4, Zech. 14:16-21, 1 Jn. 1:1-7, Mt. 16:13-17:13

The Bible and Lives of Saints