The Bible and Lives of Saints
The Day in the Liturgical Calendar
The Bible and Lives of Saints

Twenty Third Day of Great Lent
The Day in the Liturgical Calendar
Job 38:2-39:35

Twenty Second Day of Great Lent
The Day in the Liturgical Calendar
Jer. 32:19-44

Fourth Sunday of Great Lent, Sunday of the Steward
The Day in the Liturgical Calendar
Isa. 56:1-57:20, Eph. 4:17-5:14, Lk. 16:1-31

Twentieth Day of Great Lent, Saints John of Jerusalem, John of Odzun, John of Orotni, and Gregory of Tathev
The Day in the Liturgical Calendar
Prov. 20:6-22, Bar. 4:21-24, 2 Cor. 4:1-11, Jn. 9:39-10:10

Nineteenth Day of Great Lent
The Day in the Liturgical Calendar
Deut. 8:11-9:10, Job 12:1-13:6, Isa. 42:1-8

Eighteenth Day of Great Lent
The Day in the Liturgical Calendar
Isa. 45:16-25, Eph. 3:14-4:13

Seventeenth Day of Great Lent
The Day in the Liturgical Calendar
Ex. 2:23-3:15, Joel 2:21-32

Sixteenth Day of Great Lent
The Day in the Liturgical Calendar
Heb. 11:1-31

Fifteenth Day of Great Lent
The Day in the Liturgical Calendar
Col. 2:8-3:4

Third Sunday of Great Lent, Sunday of the Prodigal Son
The Day in the Liturgical Calendar
Isa. 54:11-55:13, 2 Cor. 6:1-7:1, Lk. 15:1-32

Thirteenth Day of Great Lent, Saints Cyril the Patriarch of Jerusalem, Cyril the Bishop and His Mother Anna
The Day in the Liturgical Calendar
Prov. 11:2-11, Isa. 61:3-7, 2 Tim. 4:1-8, Jn. 10:11-16

Twelfth Day of Great Lent
The Day in the Liturgical Calendar
Deut. 7:11-8:1, Job 9:1-10:2, Isa. 40:9-17

Eleventh Day of Great Lent
The Day in the Liturgical Calendar
1 Sam. 3:21-4:18, Prov. 3:11-4:14, Jer. 2:31-3:16

Tenth Day of Great Lent
The Day in the Liturgical Calendar
Ex. 2:11-22, Joel 2:1-11, Mic. 4:1-7

Ninth Day of Great Lent
The Day in the Liturgical Calendar
1 Sam. 1:23-2:26, Prov. 2:1-3:10, Jer. 1:11-2:3

Eighth Day of Great Lent
The Day in the Liturgical Calendar
1 Sam. 1:1-23, Prov. 1:1-33, Jer. 1:1-10

Second Sunday of Great Lent, Sunday of Expulsion
The Day in the Liturgical Calendar
Lk. 4:43-5:11, Isa. 33:2-22, Rom 12:1-13:10, Mt. 5:17-48

Sixth Day of Great Lent, St. Theodore the Warrior
The Day in the Liturgical Calendar
Wis. 8:19-9:5, Isa. 62:6-9, Rom. 8:28-39, Mt. 10:16-22

Fifth Day of Great Lent
The Day in the Liturgical Calendar
Deut. 6:4-7:10, Job 6:2-7:13, Isa. 40:1-8

Fourth Day of Great Lent
The Day in the Liturgical Calendar
Rom. 6:3-14