St. Grigor Narekatsi
- Introduction and Translation by Thomas J. Samuelian
- 2002, 505 pp. (in English)
This publication presents the English translations of all 95 prayers of the famous Prayer Book of the 10th century Armenian saint, Gregory of Narek. It is identical with the previous bilingual Prayer Book published by Vem in 2001, but in the English language only and in a smaller format. For both of them, the book’s critical edition published by P. Khachatryan and A. Ghazinyan has been used. This new English translation is an attempt to present the whole Prayer Book to non-Armenian readers for the first time.
Works (vol.1). Ayb, Yerevan 2016. (in Armenian)

Fr. Mesrop Aramian
Works (vol.1). Ayb, Yerevan 2016. (in Armenian)
The two-volume collection of Fr. Mesrop Aramian's works present a selection from his theological and philological studies, journalistic articles, translations, and critical editions of Classical Armenian texts that were published in different years. The second volume also includes the screenplay of the documentary "From Ararat to Zion" published for the first time. Both the screenplay and journalistic articles of Fr. Mesrop are presented not only in Armenian but also in English and Russian translations. The reader will also find the complete text of the Divine Liturgy of the Armenian Apostolic Church in the second volume, together with an ample introduction and a parallel Eastern Armenian translation.
Works (vol.2). Ayb, Yerevan 2016. (in Armenian)

Fr. Mesrop Aramian
Works (vol.2). Ayb, Yerevan 2016. (in Armenian)
The two-volume collection of Fr. Mesrop Aramian's works present a selection from his theological and philological studies, journalistic articles, translations, and critical editions of Classical Armenian texts that were published in different years. The second volume also includes the screenplay of the documentary "From Ararat to Zion" published for the first time. Both the screenplay and journalistic articles of Fr. Mesrop are presented not only in Armenian but also in English and Russian translations. The reader will also find the complete text of the Divine Liturgy of the Armenian Apostolic Church in the second volume, together with an ample introduction and a parallel Eastern Armenian translation.
Gandzasar Theological Review, Volume 7

Gandzasar Theological Review, Volume 7

Garegin I Catholicos
- 1994, 315 pp. (in Armenian)
This is the third edition of the collection of Catholicos Garegin Hovsepyants's articles and sermons. They were written both in his years as Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia, and when he was a vardapet, then a bishop. The previous two editions of the book were published in Antelias in 1946 and in 1986.

Patriarch Shnork Kalousdian
- “Gandzasar” Theological Center, 1997, 235 pp. (in Armenian)
The present volume is the first among this author's series of collections of saints venerated in the Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church. It presents the lives of the saints found both in the Old and New Testaments, that is, the holy patriarchs, judges, kings, prophets, apostles, etc. This is the third edition, and does not contain any changes to the previous two. It begins with an introduction, soul-profiting and rich in contents, in which the late Armenian Patriarch of Turkey, Shnorhk Kalousdian, speaks at length about holiness, saints and their commemoration by the Church.

Patriarch Shnork Kalousdian
- "Gandzasar" Theological Center, 1997, 235 pp. (in Armenian)
The present volume is the third among this author's series of collections of saints venerated in the Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church. It presents the lives of the saints who either lived or were martyred in Armenia. This edition is the third, and it was edited by Prof. Paruyr Muradyan who added some extra material, corrected some errors, etc. The volume begins with an introduction by the late Armenian Patriarch of Turkey, Shnorhk Kalousdian, and is concluded with an appendix by him, in which he presents a general survey on angelology, as taught by the Church.
Gandzasar Theological Review, Volume 8

Gandzasar Theological Review, Volume 8
- 2010, 653 pp. (in Armenian)
The 8th volume of the Gandzasar Theological Review comprises three main sections: Studies; Original texts and translations; and lives of saints and martyrologies. In the first section the following studies are placed: Fr. Mesrop Aramian, “Christ's Transfiguration in the ecclesiatical theology”, Bishop Bagrat Galstanyan, “The Anointing of the Sick. The problem of this sacrament in the Armenian Church”, and scholar Paruyr Muradyan, “Materials on the history of Christianity in Persia (The life of St Golandukht)”.
The second section includes the modern Armenian translations of the Epistles of Barnabas and of Clement (II spurious), two discourses by St Basil of Caesarea (translated from Ancient Greek), some ascetical writings of St Evagrius of Pontus, translated from Classical Armenian versions, St Gregory of Tathev's homilies on confession of sins and on the confessor fathers, and Mkhitar of Sasoun's life and his discourse on priestly vestments (translations from Ancient Greek by Simon Grkasharyan, from Classical Armenian by Seda Stamboltsyan and Fr. Tachat Tsaturyan). The original texts of the volume include the Classical Armenian texts of the authors Paul of Taron (Polos Tarawnac'i), John the Deacon (Yovhannes Sarkawag) and Samuel of Kamrjadzor (Samuel Kamrjadzorec'i).
The third section presents lives of several saints, venerated in the Universal and Armenian Churches.
The Sacred Liturgy of the Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Holy Church

The Sacred Liturgy of the Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Holy Church
- Translated into modern Armenian and Introduction by Fr. Mesrop Aramyan
- Editor: Seda Stamboltsyan
- Technical editing and layout pagination: Ashot Movsisyan
- Cover: Armen Kyurkchyan
- The Sacred Liturgy of the Holy Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church / Translation into modern Armenian and Introduction by Fr. Mesrop Aramyan;– Yerevan. Gandzasar, 2010 – 216 pages.
This edition presents the original Classical Armenian text of the Divine Liturgy of the Holy Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church with parallel modern Armenian translation. The brief introduction presents the sacrament of the Holy Communion, the structure and the history of the Armenian Liturgy, as well as the meanings of the separate parts of the ceremony, according to the Armenian exegetical sources and the analysis of the original text.
This publication is intended for those who wish to get acquainted with the Armenian spiritual heritage from inside and cognitively participate in the sacred reality of the Church.
Gandzasar Theological Review, Volume 1

Gandzasar Theological Review, Volume 1
- 1992, 352 pp. (in Armenian)
The 1st volume of the Gandzasar Theological Review comprises the following sections: Unpublished Texts; Theological Studies; Church Fathers; Lives of Saints; Spiritual Culture.
The volume opens with the Eastern Armenian translation of an excerpt from the "History" by Movses of Kalankatoyk' (Kalankatuac'i) about the history of the head of St John the Forerunner brought to Artsakh and placed in the Monastery of Gandzasar.
In the section of Unpublished Texts the scholar Hakob Keoseyan presents the texts of the Classical Armenian translation of 3 treatises by Antipater of Bostra. Two of them are Words on the Nativity of Christ, the third - on His Baptism. The Classical Armenian original texts are accompanied by their Eastern Armenian translations, done by Ashot Aleksanyan.
In the Theological Studies section, articles by Very Rev. Fr. Sepuh Sargsyan, Very Rev. Fr. Mikayel Ajapahyan, Rev. Fr. Mesrop Aramian and Tigran Khachatryan are placed.
The Church Fathers section includes Eastern Armenian translations of some passages of the 'Word on the True Faith and Virtuous Life' by Grigor Vardapet (trans. by Seda Stamboltsyan), of 'On Prayer' by St Nilus of Sinai (trans. by Fr. Mesrop Aramian), and the Classical Armenian original text of the first parts of 'Word of Confutation against Dyophysites' by Anania of Sanahin (text prepared for publication by Hakob Keoseyan).
The next section presents the lives of several saints, venerated in the Universal and/or Armenian Churches.
The Spiritual Culture section presents an article by Khoren Palyan about the Armenian sacred music of the 5th century.
Gandzasar Monastery

Eduard L. Danielyan
Gandzasar Monastery
- "Gandzasar" Theological Center, 2009, 228 pp.
- Trilingual edition – in Armenian, Russian and English
This photo-illustrated book is devoted to the past and the present of the Gandzasar Monastery and its significance in the history of the Armenian Apostolic Church. The book reveals the significance of Gandzasar as the spiritual, educational and scientific center of the Artsakh diocese, as well as the inspirer of the liberation struggle of the Armenian people. There are also memoirs of the participants of the Artsakh liberation struggle about the liberators and the clergy of the Artsakh diocese.
Gandzasar Theological Review, Volume 3

Gandzasar Theological Review, Volume 3
- 1993, 352 pp. (in Armenian)
The 3rd volume of the Gandzasar Theological Review comprises the following sections: Theological Studies; Church Fathers; Bible Commentaries; Lives of Saints; New Armenian Martyrs; Spiritual Culture. The volume opens with an excerpt about St Elisha the Apostle from the “History” by Moses of Kalankatoyk', and with the Eastern Armenian translation of St Moses of Khorean's (Movses Xorenac'i) two treatises on the holy Virgin Hripsime and her companions (trans. from Classical Armenian by Gurgen Gasparyan).
In the Theological Studies section, articles by Archbishop Maghakia Ormanyan, Very Rev. Fr. Abel Oghlugyan, Rev. Fr. Mesrop Aramian and Hakob Keoseyan are placed.
The Church Fathers section includes Eastern Armenian translations of 4 treatises by St John Mandakuni (trans. by Fr. Mesrop Aramian), the “Powerful” Prayer of St Ephrem the Syrian (trans. from classical Armenian by Tigran Khachatryan) and the continuation of the Classical Armenian text of the “Word of confutation against dyophysites” by Anania of Sanahin (see the preceding parts in the 1st and 2nd volumes of the Review).
The Bible Commentaries section presents the Classical Armenian text of a commentary “On David and Saul” by Hippolytus of Bostra (text prepared for publication by Hakob Keoseyan), and the Eastern Armenian translation of the commentary on the Lord's Prayer by St Elishe (trans. by Khachik Grigoryan).
The next section includes the lives of several saints, venerated in the Universal and/or Armenian Churches. Following them, presented are the martyrologies of four Armenian martyrs (“new martyrs”) who were killed in the 15th, 18th and 20th centuries by the hands of Muslims.
The Spiritual Culture section presents articles by Vigen Ghazaryan, Tigran Khachatryan and a treatise by Ghevond Alishan (the first part, to be continued in the next volume).