Video Programs

Video Programs


Fr. Mesrop Aramian. Faith is not easily given

We’re starting the second season of View. This time our radio pavilion, which is already known for its uncompromising sincerity and concrete strength, hosts Fr. Mesrop Aramian, a theologian, scholar, intellectual, who has made a great contribution to the field of education and has translated ”The Book of Lamentations” by St. Gregory of Narek.


Nerses Avetisyan. Count your blessings every day

And who said that a young intellectual cannot be versatile, spiritual and profound? We talk about most serious issues with actor, presenter, singer Nerses Avetisyan.


State or National State? Identity and Values. Discussion 18

The nation as a collective consciousness, responsibility, and loyalty. National sacred things, symbols, and values.  The role of religion in national life. The commandment of fraternity as the basis of national life. Our vision and mission.

Is the nation as a value absolute and final or variable and intermediate and dependent on time, place, and context? Are nations ancient with connections and culture from the depths of history, or are they new creations?

What is, and what is not the state? Our unreasonable expectations from the state. The price and responsibility of having a sovereign state. The dangers of copying a state model. The state as a moral system. A national state based on biblical commandments or a system of implementing a contract between individuals?

  • Speakers: Artur Atanesyan, Vasken Yakoubian
  • Moderator: Fr. Mesrop Aramian

Christianity and Armenians, Identity and Values, Discussion 17

The role of Christianity in the life of Armenians.
What is, and what is not Christianity?
Is Christianity a historical-cultural heritage or a power for constant renewal?
The status and responsibility of the first Christian nation.
Lack of public discussion and of reflection on spiritual issues.
Why don't we want to delve into the spiritual?

  • Speakers: Hakob Hakobyan, Tovmas Arakelyan
  • Moderator: Fr. Mesrop Aramian

Value-based education: the imperative of finding solutions, Identity and Values, Discussion 16

What do we mean by saying “value” and how do we treat values?
How to distinguish real values from fake ones?
If education is the mission of shaping a human, then what is our ideal of a human being? Are our education system and teachers ready for this mission? Does education face a public demand for the formation of values?
How to instill and nurture values? What examples of value-based education can be found today in the world and in us?

  • Speakers: Serob Khachatryan, Manuk Hergnyan
  • Moderator: Fr. Mesrop Aramian

Atheism, agnosticism, skepticism, Identity and Values, Discussion 15

The differences and commonalities of those who reject God and religion, those who avoid accepting or rejecting, those who question it. Is it possible to live without God? Problems of completeness, consistency, and self-sufficiency of atheistic theories. Scientism or science?
The psychology of rejection. Are we protected against manipulation of consciousness and have the ability to check the credibility of our own opinion? Critical thinking and introspection. The need to find and regain our composure.
Is science the only way to know reality, and do all truths come only from science? Can science prove or disprove the existence of God? Is faith rational or irrational? Is there a conflict between faith and science?

  • Speakers: Aram Pakhchanyan, Vardan Aslanyan
  • Moderator: Fr. Mesrop Aramian