The Day in the Liturgical Calendar The Bible and Lives of Saints
The Day in the Liturgical Calendar
Ex. 3:16-22, Joel 3:1-8
Job 38:2-39:35
Jer. 32:19-44
Isa. 56:1-57:20, Eph. 4:17-5:14, Lk. 16:1-31
Saints John of Jerusalem, John of Odzun, John of Orotni, and Gregory of Tathev Prov. 20:6-22, Bar. 4:21-24, 2 Cor. 4:1-11, Jn. 9:39-10:10
Deut. 8:11-9:10, Job 12:1-13:6, Isa. 42:1-8
Isa. 45:16-25, Eph. 3:14-4:13
Ex. 2:23-3:15, Joel 2:21-32
Heb. 11:1-31
Col. 2:8-3:4
Third Sunday of Great Lent: Sunday of the Prodigal Son Isa. 54:11-55:13, 2 Cor. 6:1-7:1, Lk. 15:1-32
Saints Cyril Patriarch of Jerusalem, Cyril the Bishop and His Mother Anna Prov. 11:2-11, Isa. 61:3-7, 2 Tim. 4:1-8, Jn. 10:11-16
Deut. 7:11-8:1, Job 9:1-10:2, Isa. 40:9-17
1 Sam. 3:21-4:18, Prov. 3:11-4:14, Jer. 2:31-3:16
Ex. 2:11-22, Joel 2:1-11, Mic. 4:1-7
1 Sam. 1:23-2:26, Prov. 2:1-3:10, Jer. 1:11-2:3
1 Sam. 1:1-23, Prov. 1:1-33, Jer. 1:1-10
Lk. 4:43-5:11, Isa. 33:2-22, Rom. 12:1-13, Mt. 5:17-48
Wis. 8:19-9:5, Isa. 62:6-9, Rom. 8:28-39, Mt. 10:16-22
Deut. 6:4-7:10, Job 6:2-7:13, Isa. 40:1-8