Identity and Values
The program is about worldview issues. The main topics include personal and collective identity, epistemology, and axiology. The purpose of the program is to promote conceptual thinking, shape community-building culture, and spread the dialogue about values in Armenia and the Diaspora.

Loss of Identity
Loss of identity in the example of the Turkification of Armenian children in the years of the Armenian Genocide. The methods of shaping a “new human” that were employed in Turkish orphanages and adopted by the Nazi Germany. The silent struggle of Armenian orphans to preserve their identity. Hamshen Armenians’ partition into three groups with different perception of identity.
- Speaker: Shushan Khachatryan
- Host: Deacon Vardan Aslanyan

How and at what age human needs are shaped. Sheler’s hierarchy of values and Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Essential needs and their management through a system of values. Satisfaction of growth needs. Dignifying the needs at individual and public levels.
- Speaker: Anna Arakelyan
- Host: Deacon Vardan Aslanyan

National education system
Historical outline of Armenian education system; post-Soviet developments. Creation of an independent education system with the help of international education experience. Development of viable education models, and consistent realization of prospective plans. The value-based component of general education. What independent schools can offer to the state education system as an alternative.
- Speaker: Davit Sahakyan
- Host: Deacon Vardan Aslanyan

War and peace. Negative and positive peace. “If you want peace, prepare for war.” Peace of victory. The attitude of Armenian government and society towards peacemaking. “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives.” (John 14:27).
- Speaker: Artur Atanesyan
- Host: Deacon Vardan Aslanyan

The Psychological Recovery of Children Survivors of War
War through the eyes of a child. Manifestations of psychological trauma. Integration of a child survivor of war into the new school environment. Preparatory counseling of the psychologist with school students, their parents, and pedagogues. The necessity of training for school psychologists.
- Speaker: Tatevik Abrahamyan
- Host: Deacon Vardan Aslanyan

The Lessons of History
Historic character of humankind. The role of the history in national self-consciousness and identification. The origins of Armenian historiography. The academic presentation of history in school and in higher education. The expected outcomes of the history course. The attitude of young generation towards modern history of Armenia. Why don’t we learn from history?
- Speaker: Ani Tovmasyan
- Host: Deacon Vardan Aslanyan

High Literature
Reading and self-education. Recommended reading lists. What to read and how to read. Literary analysis. The school courses of Armenian and foreign literature. The ability of literature to form identity and the value system.
- Speaker: Anahit Hovhannisyan
- Host: Deacon Vardan Aslanyan

Teaching Religion in General Education
The international experience and the Armenian model of teaching religion. The contents and teaching of the religion course in school. The perceptions of the Armenian Church history school subject in Armenian reality. The value-related component in the state educational standards.
- Speaker: Fr. Diradur Sardaryan
- Host: Deacon Vardan Aslanyan

Faith and Science
The seeming contradiction between faith and science. The false opinion on faith being groundless and non-scientific. Is scientific truth trustworthy? Albert Einstein: “Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.” The three levels of faith according to scientists and Church Fathers. The necessity of founding the faith upon a solid basis.
- Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
- Host: Deacon Vardan Aslanyan

Meaningful Life
New Year as a chance to start a new life. The ways to escape the whirl of life. The necessity of adding beauty, moral values, virtues and a spiritual component to our lives. Service to society. Mahatma Gandhi: “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”
- Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
- Host: Deacon Vardan Aslanyan

The sources and foundations of freedom. Freedom of the mind; personal and national freedom. Freedom: purpose or means? Absolute and relative freedom; social contract. The fight of Armenian nation for freedom. Declarations of independence. The price of freedom.
- Speaker: Artur Atanesyan
- Host: Deacon Vardan Aslanyan

Classical Music
Music and identity. The historical origins of music. Classical and national music. Music and the inner world of a human being. Interlinking education and classical music. The role of state policy in the popularization of classical music. The formation of musical taste.
- Speaker: Inessa Khachatryan
- Host: Deacon Vardan Aslanyan

Teaching Visual Arts
Art and beauty as inseparable parts of human identity. The branches of visual art and their teaching from preschool age. The transmission of positive values through arts. Visual arts as means of self-expression and psychotherapy. Does one need talent or diligent training to excel in art? The inspirational and leading role of the teacher.
- Speaker: Sevada Petrosyan
- Host: Deacon Vardan Aslanyan

Service to Society
Social relations as a model of mutual service. The image of the citizen who honestly and conscientiously fulfills service duties. Service as a Christian virtue. The perception of officials in social understanding. The fight against the abuse of authority and corruption.
- Speaker: Noyemi Andreasyan
- Host: Deacon Vardan Aslanyan

Gender Equality
The issue of gender equality in historical-cultural context. Gender roles in society. Claims of feminism. The legislative regulations of women’s rights in Armenia. The activities of the YSU Center for Gender and Leadership Studies and the Women’s Fund of Armenia. Is it possible to reach an absolute gender equality?
- Speaker: Gohar Shahnazaryan
- Host: Deacon Vardan Aslanyan

Rectification and Return to Values
Shaking of identity and values during human life and its consequences. The protective and rectifying function of the family and educational system. Keeping the norms and values in society and the necessity of “immune cells.” The pedagogical and psychological methods of the rectification of humans. The function of penitentiary institutions in Armenia and abroad.
- Speaker: Anna Arakelyan
- Host: Deacon Vardan Aslanyan

Preschool Education
Preschool education as a first level of the education system. The content of preschool education. The questions of identity in the eyes of a child and the perception of values in the child consciousness. Applying modern teaching methods. Requirements for teachers, inclusion and counseling of parents. Introducing art and literature to kids, stimulating their personal and creative qualities.
- Speaker: Nora Sargsyan
- Host: Deacon Vardan Aslanyan

Language and Thought
Speech as a higher-order thinking process. Comparative linguistics and universal grammar. Language as a factor of national and cultural identification. The self-perception and self-expression of human through the language. Linguistic ideologies and socio-anthropological and ethnographic approaches to language.
- Speaker: Lilit Ghazaryan
- Host: Deacon Vardan Aslanyan

Respect and Communication
Respect as a starting point for human communication. The transmission of the etiquette and communication skills in the educational process. Respect towards people and environment surrounding us, towards social institutions and dissent. The psychological work with students having communication problems. The expressions of national psychology in our daily communication.
- Speaker: Solanzh Tamamyan
- Host: Deacon Vardan Aslanyan