Selected Literary Works

Selected Literary Works

Remarkable writers of the 20th century and their most famous works.

The literary paths taken by modern Armenian writers, and their literary achievements

  • Host - Ani Pashayan
George Bernard Shaw

George Bernard Shaw

The broadcast is dedicated to the English playwright, founder of the social drama of the 20th century, the novelist and public figure, Nobel Prize winner George Bernard Shaw. Some of his plays such as "The Apple Cart," "Heartbreak House," "Saint Joan," "Too True to Be Good" express universal ideas that are still relevant today. Interesting is the fact that Show's dramaturgy that was not easily accepted on English stages received a world-wide acclaim and became one of the central phenomena of the literature of the 19th to the first half of the 20th century.


Johannes Becher

Johannes Becher

The broadcast is dedicated to German poet, prose writer, playwright, art critic, state and public figure Johannes Becher. Living outside his homeland for a decade, he continued creating numerous works in different genres. After returning to Germany in 1945, he continued his wide-scale cultural activities with a fresh enthusiasm: numerous poetic series, 300 sonnets, poems in prose, plays, articles on literary criticism, radio programs. And in the center of all of this it was the life, fate, struggles, and hope of the ordinary human being that interested Becher.


Virginia Woolf

Virginia Woolf

The broadcast is dedicated to the master of impressionist prose, literary critic, theorist of modernism Virginia Woolf, who opened a new stage in the history of English literature. German literary critic and art historian Erich Auerbach compared her with such great writers as Dante, Shakespeare, Flaubert, and Proust. Wolf became famous especially for her novels "Mrs. Dalloway" and "To the Lighthouse" as well as a number of articles of literary criticism. Her works enriched the psychological prose of modern times.


Bertolt Brecht

Bertolt Brecht

The broadcast is dedicated to German writer Bertold Brecht, poet, novelist, playwright, art theorist, founder of "epic theater," who spent most of his life in exile. During his short life, he managed to leave a number of valuable works such as the plays "Life of Galileo," "The Good Person of Szechwan," "The Threepenny Opera," "Mother Courage and Her Children," "The Days of the Commune," as well as the prose work "Threepenny Novel" and a number of poems.


Franz Kafka,

Franz Kafka, "The Castle"

The broadcast is dedicated to the famous novel by Franz Kafka. Written in 1922, this novel arouses great interest with its mysteriousness and unexpected solutions today also. In its basis is the deep contradiction between an individual and the society. K. is like Josef K. of the novel “The Trial” but here the human's dissatisfaction with social customs and with the state laws is more emphasized.


Ezra Pound

Ezra Pound

The broadcast is dedicated to the Anglo-American poetry school of Imagism and especially to one of its founders, poet, literary theorist and critic Ezra Pound.  His work presents the modern American poetry because, as a literary critic and editor of journals, also as a compiler of anthologies, he played a great role in the development and spread of the modern American and European literature.


Franz Kafka

Franz Kafka

The broadcast is dedicated to major German-language writer Franz Kafka and particularly his novel "The Trial," on which about 6,000 literary articles have been written so far. Kafka, an adherent of modernism, added new expressive means to prose − with symbols and ideological saturation.


Thomas Mann

Thomas Mann

The broadcast is dedicated to German writer, novelist, essayist, literary critic, Nobel Prize winner Thomas Mann and particularly to his novel "The Magic Mountain." This work stands out with its deep philosophical analysis. The author of the novels "Buddenbrooks," "Doctor Faustus," and "Joseph and His Brothers" was deeply interested in people's national pain and fate, in all dangers threatening humanity, and in his own time.


Rabindranath Tagore

Rabindranath Tagore

The broadcast is dedicated to Indian writer, poet, public figure, art critic, artist, composer, playwright, Novel Prize winner Rabindranath Tagore who was the first person to understand in India that art should be closely connected with people. Revealing the most important character features of Indian people and nailing his attention to pan-national issues, Tagore aspired to raise the ordinary human being, and to inspire his readers to have respect and love toward their nation. With this aim in mind, he sought for ways in his literary works, learned folk songs and dances, and thus skillfully used his nation's talents.


Theodore Dreiser

Theodore Dreiser

The broadcast is dedicated to the prominent representative of American literature Theodore Dreiser, who continued the literary traditions of Mark Twain, Frank Norris, and Henry Fuller. He wrote with great courage and ruthlessly against the false myth created about the United States. He gained great fame especially by his most famous novel — "An American Tragedy", by "The “Genius”," a novel about the fate of an artist and art, whose hero sells his talent, as well as by the "Trilogy of Desire," in which the main character considers the law of his desires as the most important thing.


Ernest Hemingway

Ernest Hemingway

The broadcast is dedicated to novelist, Nobel Prize winner Ernest Hemingway and his famous novel “The Old Man and the Sea” published in 1952. It is a novel about the human being, life struggle, defeat and victory, a novel that influenced the best literatures of the world.


Albert Camus

Albert Camus

The broadcast is dedicated to Albert Camus, writer, playwright, essayist, philosopher (existentialist), Nobel Prize winner, who became famous especially for his novels "The Plague" and "The Stranger," where he depicted the reality of absurdity, evaluating the human being with his or her fate, disharmony, feelings, and tragicalness. In Camus's literary legacy, an important place is occupied by the essay "The Myth of Sisyphus," which, with its deep philosophical analyses and generalizations, is a new word in the 20th-century prose.


David Herbert Lawrence

David Herbert Lawrence

The broadcast is dedicated to English novelist and essayist David Herbert Lawrence who is distinguished especially for his novelties in literature. His greatest desire was to see the human being free and natural. The novels "Sons and Lovers," "The Rainbow," and "Women in Love" brought him a great fame. But the greatest success was his last but one novel — "Lady Chatterley's Lover."


Thomas Eliot

Thomas Eliot

The broadcast is dedicated to a bright representative of English modernism, poet, art critic, art historian, playwright and literary critic, Nobel Prize winner Thomas Eliot who created in a very hard period of the 20th century many valuable works: The Hollow Men, The Waste Land, The Ash Wednesday, Four Quartets, etc. Among his theoretic writings, notable are the works The Use of Poetry and the Use of Criticism, and On Poetry and Poets.


William Faulkner

William Faulkner

The broadcast is dedicated to American great writer and Nobel Prize laureate William Faulkner, especially his novel The Sound and the Fury, written in 1929. This was the author's favorite novel, which he described as his “most splendid failure.” Through the fall of the Compson family, the author expresses a deep sympathy for human pain and tragedy.


Federico García Lorca

Federico García Lorca

The broadcast is dedicated to Spanish writer, poet, playwright Federico García Lorca who created permanent literary values during his very short life. Especially with his Gypsy Ballads he developed the Spanish national poetry, while with his dramaturgical innovations he prompted the development of Spanish national theater.


James Joyce

James Joyce

The broadcast is dedicated to English writer James Joyce's literary activities and especially his famous novel "Ulysses" that brought worldwide fame to the author.


Hermann Hesse

Hermann Hesse

The broadcast is dedicated to famous German writer Hermann Hesse's literary activities and especially to his well-known novel "Steppenwolf."


Conversation with Margarita Vardanyan

Conversation with Margarita Vardanyan

What does she as a pharmacist think about poetry, and how does she relate to literature and art? Her collection "A Handful of Stardust" presents modern reality and the woman in arts. In modern poetry, she especially distinguishes Avag Yepremyan, Eduard Harents...


Arthur Miller

Arthur Miller

The outstanding American playwright and prose writer Arthur Miller showed through his plays the origins of the tragedy of the modern human, reaching great generalizations and thus recreating the faith of humans in the future.