

“View” is a platform for deep conversations. Here, together with Tovmas Arakelyan, we try to explore the views of various figures and intellectuals, on a wide range of



Avet Barseghyan: People of the Sun When There Is No Sun

We know Avet Barseghyan as a TV presenter, and we know many songs he has written, but recently we were able to read a small part of his poems on the Internet. In this conversation, we have emphasized poetry itself. Let's analyze together Avet’s poems with a Christian view.


Davit Hakobyan: The Content Will Emerge from the Form

A conversation with Davit Hakobyan, a theater director, actor and expert in theater art, as well as our kind grandpa.


Sona Rubenyan: Song Is Also a Form of Struggle

We have already talked about music with various guests at View studio. However, Sona Rubenyan's approach is unique. She sees the song not only as entertainment but also as a defensive fortress, formative school and spiritual strength. And what is music for us? Let's try to analyze it after listening to the conversation.



Anais Sardaryan. You have brought life with you

Another conversation about doing good, not giving up and living with important values. The giant social work done by actress Anais Sardaryan in the hard days of 2020 was still fresh in our memory when the forced displacement of Artsakh residents began. Anais' new initiative has already reached more than 70,000 Artsakh citizens, not only in the form of material “help” but also as an important message: "You are not alone; we are one, and we love each other, Armenians."


Aram MP3. Silence Can Also Educate

Aram MP3, and you can't immediately decide what to talk about: music, television, humor, family, healthy lifestyle... And what if we touch on all these topics, but, perhaps unexpectedly for our days, from the aspects of value system and spirituality? Let's try it.


Nazeni Hovhannisyan. You either feel the power of the roots or you don't...

This conversation was filmed one day before the gruesome and sad events of the depopulation of Artsakh. We were nervous. Nazeni Hovhannisyan kept returning to Artsakh in her words. Perhaps it was not us who felt it, but our blood, the power of the roots that you either have or you don't. It is an important and topical conversation. Enjoy your watching!


Artur Ghukasyan. We Move Forward Looking Back

There is an Armenian maxim whose literal translation reads:"The head of the doer of good is holey.” But it turns out not to be true. We talk with producer Artur Ghukasyan about the fact that virtue and piety can be the basis of our success. It is doing good that saves us from despair and leads us to victory. Mr. Ghukasyan is the president of one of those winning programs, the HayFest International Theater Festival. Enjoy your watching!



Designer Arman Nur: I’m Trying to Create the Meaning of Beauty

Kafka said that all those who retain the ability to see beauty never grow old. Our interlocutor is designer, artist, jeweler and sculptor Arman Nur, who, however, in his own words, tries not only to reveal the beauty in his works but also to create the meaning of the beauty. This conversation is about form and content, the message and bad taste.


Ara Gevorgyan: Silence Is Absolutely Not Right

The conversation with Ara Gevorgyan was more tense than expected. On the one hand, the problems are difficult; on the other hand, Mr. Gevorgyan's view is extraordinary. In other words, what responsibilities do a musician and public figure have, how should he act in difficult moments, what ways are there to fill the cultural and educational “gaps”? We tried not to answer, but to think out loud. Maybe that's how the answers are born…


Hrant Tokhatyan: The Greatest Evil Is the Lack of Education

Hrant Tokhatyan is not only an actor but also a teacher. We tried to find the key to overcoming various challenges in the intersection of education and art, stage and school. Eghishe wrote in the 5th century that all evils enter the human mind because of ignorance. Let this View become a drop for the sake of the value system.


Actress Narine Grigoryan: I Did Not Hand Over My Weapons

We talked with Narine Grigoryan. A woman who leads the Yerevan State Pan-National Theater and, as an artistic director, ensures that art purifies and helps not to give up. She tells about her childhood and victorious days in Artsakh with a smile and determination, so that you don’t want to call those years “dark and cold”. This Vision, conveyed by vision, gestures, words and wisdom, is about appreciating the national legacy and not getting discouraged.



Colonel Aleksan Minasyan: I Was Tired of Being Scared

While talking to Aleksan Minasyan, candidate of political sciences, military and public figure, you unintentionally use the word “first” a lot. He founded the first Armenian military sports academy, performed the first parachuting flight of the Armenian Army, presented the first lieutenant’s epaulets with his own hands when he was the head of the Military Institute… Is it difficult to be the first and to lead, how to overcome fears, and what is victory in general? We discussed these and a number of other questions.




Archbishop Mikayel Adjapahyan. The Way of the Cross Must Be Taken Consciously

We have tried to reveal the view of Archbishop Mikayel Adjapahyan, primate of Shirak Diocese. This is the view of a true leader and clergyman from an ancient family of clergy.