Commentaries on Bible
The Holy Bible in the Sacred Tradition of the Church. How to read, understand and carry out the Word of God. Commentaries of the Church fathers as the basis of the orthodox understanding of the Holy Scripture. How to treat the Holy Scripture and avoid superstitions and deviations. The Word of God as spiritual food, health, and guidance.
Eph. 1
The role of the Church of Ephesus in world history: the Third Ecumenical Council of Ephesus. The pursuit of the citizenship of heaven is one of the important goals of a Christian's life. Is there a contradiction between God's predestination and human free will? Gift of adoption.
- Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
- Host: Araks Poghosyan
2 Cor. 4 (Part I)
There have been many perversions of God's word in all periods of time. What is the revelation of truth to humans? Lies and forgery are built on the basis of truth. The presence of tolerance and love is the basis for building a proper relationship between people.
- Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
- Host: Araks Poghosyan