Commentaries on Bible

Commentaries on Bible

 The Holy Bible in the Sacred Tradition of the Church. How to read, understand and carry out the Word of God. Commentaries of the Church fathers as the basis of the orthodox understanding of the Holy Scripture. How to treat the Holy Scripture and avoid superstitions and deviations. The Word of God as spiritual food, health, and guidance.

Rom 10
34 minutes 33 seconds

Rom 10

The Law of Moses was part of the preparation for achieving freedom of faith. Christ is the fulfillment of the Law; with Christ we enter eternal life. Oral confession is a necessary prerequisite for a deep awareness of guilt and for repentance.

  • Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
  • Host: Deacon Ara Nalchajyan
Rom. 9
30 minutes 37 seconds

Rom. 9

Consequences of disobeying divine laws. What is it to be a child of Abraham? Why did the majority of Jews not accept Christ? The meaning of the word “anathema.” The Law and the righteousness of the faith. Human free will is not limited by the predestination of God.

  • Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
  • Host: Deacon Ara Nalchajyan
Rom. 8
37 minutes 19 seconds

Rom. 8

Christianity is the resolution to the conflict between spirit and body. Christ's temptations enable us to overcome the evil. To set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace. Reincarnation of the Son of God made it possible for us to have the kingdom of heaven in us. The Spirit of adoption liberates us from the slavery of evil in rejection of the bodily temptations. Suffering is an inseparable part of the soul's path to liberation.

  • Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
  • Host: Deacon Ara Nalchajyan
Rom. 6-7
34 minutes 41 seconds

Rom. 6-7

Interrelations between the Law and sin. Why were the commandments created? Divine Grace complements the Law. The way of salvation by the Grace of Christ. What is the way of liberation from sin and living with God? The role of the nine beatitudes in the spiritual development of a person. Evil is constantly present in the world and waging war against us. How does praise differ from flattery? Misperceptions of the Law can lead to severance from God.

  • Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
  • Host: Deacon Ara Nalchajyan
Rom. 3-5
32 minutes 08 seconds

Rom. 3-5

Natural law (conscience) is embedded in every human being. The judgment of those who do not keep the divine law. Spiritual and physical circumcision. Faith is the highest gift of divine grace. Christ's sufferings and resurrection are the fulfillment and culmination of the heritage of faith. Our good actions are results of our faith.

  • Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
  • Host: Deacon Ara Nalchajyan
Rom. 1-2
32 minutes 48 seconds

Rom. 1-2

Apostle Paul’s unique call and ministry. The meaning of the Law is not to cling to the letter of the Law, but to fulfill the spirit of the Law. The main purpose of the word of God is the holiness of life. The egocentricity of the pagan civilization and the tragedy of a human separated from God. Christianity is a way of humans’ spiritual liberation and of revealing divine love. Both by the written Law and by the natural or conscience law, everyone is called to know God and live by faith.

  • Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
  • Host: Deacon Ara Nalchajyan