Commentaries on Bible
The Holy Bible in the Sacred Tradition of the Church. How to read, understand and carry out the Word of God. Commentaries of the Church fathers as the basis of the orthodox understanding of the Holy Scripture. How to treat the Holy Scripture and avoid superstitions and deviations. The Word of God as spiritual food, health, and guidance.
1 John 5
On receiving and applying divine commandments. The Sacrament of Baptism. Continuing testimonies of the Holy Spirit.
- Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
1 John 4
Evil takes on truthlike false appearances to mislead people. True love carries a spirit of sacrifice. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. The two types of fear and the relationship to divine love.
- Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
1 John 2, 3
The “last times” phenomenon and awareness of it. Antichrist and other manifestations of evil in humanity. The knowledge of God must come with the knowledge of the truneness of God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. The essence of God's love.
- Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
1 John 1
Religion is a living communication with God․Communicating to Christ's body and blood, a Christian approaches holiness. Christ's martyrdom for the sins of humanity and its deliverance from sins.
- Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
2 Pet.
What positive results do virtues lead to? Real brotherly love is impossible without true godliness. The trinity of faith, hope and love. The apostle's rejection of sectarian teachings.
- Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
1 Pet. 4,5
Why do people suffer? Worldliness is a profound rejection of the existence of God. God's judgment and examination of people’s sins. Love is the basis and ultimate goal of all good human deeds. The best way to combat sin is to be filled with God's love.
- Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
Pet. 3
What makes woman's obedience special? A wife's obedience and decency can lead to the salvation of a wayward husband. What are the responsibilities of a man towards his wife? The unanimous faith and the works arising from it.
- Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
Pet. 2
Getting rid of falsehood and evil and becoming like a "newborn child." Jesus Christ is the “living rock” of every Christian's life. Virtue is the main foundation of the Christian community.
- Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
Pet. 1
In what period was the epistle written? The temporary nature of earthly life. Temptations are the way to strengthen the faith of people. Prophetic revelations.
- Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
James 4, 5
Types of sins. The reason for God's indwelling is obedience to Him. The dangers of boastfulness. Why not swear an oath?
- Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
James 3
Reasons for sinning in words. The truthfulness of deeds done with wisdom and meekness.
- Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
James 2
One of the manifestations of the Christian faith is love and respect for people. Temptations of wealth. Works strengthening faith. The three divine virtues.
- Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
James 1
Temptation is a favorable condition for the strengthening of the Christian life. Patience is the completion of every virtue. How to deal with temptations in life.
- Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
Heb. 13
Brotherly love and hospitability in people. Marriage is an honorable thing before God. The love of money as the root of all evil according to the Apostle Paul. The sacrifice of words is the state of continuous prayer and godliness.
- Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
Heb. 12
Strengthening the spiritual life through struggle. Peace and holiness are the true characteristics of the Christian life. How to develop understanding of God's word.
- Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
Heb. 11
The definition of faith according to the Apostle Paul. The development of pre-Christian faith. The pursuit of the kingdom of God by the saints.
- Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
Heb. 10
The inner human sacrifice. Features of the New Testament
- Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
Heb. 9
The structure of the Old Testament sanctuary. Through Christ, humanity receives a new degree of priesthood. The uniqueness of human creation.
- Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
Heb. 7-8
Who was Melchizedek? Council of the Melchizedek Priesthood. Old and New Testaments.
- Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
Heb. 6
Stages of strengthening one’s faith. Each person can be baptized only once in their lifetime. The presence of people in the kingdom of heaven.
- Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian