Latest Broadcasts
Spitakavor Monastery

Spitakavor Monastery

Forty-Seventh Day of Eastertide

The Day in the Liturgical Calendar

Acts 25:23-26:32, Jude 1:8-15, Jn. 13:1-15

St. Athanasius the Great, From the treatise “On the Incarnation of the Word and on the Holy Trinity” (Part II)

Readings From the Church Fathers

St. Athanasius the Great, From the treatise “On the Incarnation of the Word and on the Holy Trinity” (Part II)


The Holy Spirit in the Lord-established Church. The activity of the Holy Spirit through Church sacraments. Depictions of the Lord’s Spirit. Our heart as a Holy Spirit’s abode: ”Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you and whom you have received from God” (1 Cor. 6:19-20). The gifts of the Holy Spirit in the theology of the Armenian Church. The biblical episodes of being filled with the Holy Spirit.

  • Speaker: Fr. Husik Dokholyan
  • Host: Deacon Vardan Aslanyan
Hervé Bazin

The broadcast is dedicated to the famous French writer and great proponent of realistic prose Hervé Bazin. He is considered to be the most read writer of the 1950s to 1980s. He was also a well-known public figure, a fighter for peace, and had been the Chairman of the Goncourt Academy since 1973. All of this shows the great importance he had in the literary life of France. Bazin was born in an  aristocratic family, which was proud of its ancestors, among whom there were eminent lawyers, clergymen, scientists, soldiers, even a bishop and an academician. His father was a lawyer, worked at the Catholic University, and saw his son as a lawyer. Herve first studied at a Catholic gymnasium, then, at his parents' will, in the faculty of law of the university, but soon left it. The reason was his conflict with his parents, who did not accept their son's literary inclinations...


Forty-Sixth Day of Eastertide

The Day in the Liturgical Calendar

Acts 25:13-22, Jude 1:1-7, Jn. 12:44-50

World Classical Music
The show presents the masterpieces of classics in performance of distinguished musicians, as well as provides comprehensive information about the lives and works of composers and performers, their role and influence on further development of...
Hour of Tales
The first encounter of each of us with good and evil begins from tales for children. Good wins, because it is God-given. Tales teach us to love, appreciate beauty, fight for justice, and empathize.