Selected Literary Works
Remarkable writers of the 20th century and their most famous works.
The literary paths taken by modern Armenian writers, and their literary achievements
- Host - Ani Pashayan

Conversation with Ashot Hovsepyan
The collection of prose writer and publicist Ashot Hovsepyan "Searching for the Last Year's Snow" fully reflects the 1990s, a hard period for Armenia that left a deep trace in the life of the country. The writer also predicted the vices of today's Armenian reality and brought a whole gallery of interesting characters to literature...

Charles Aznavour
This episode is dedicated to the poet and writer Charles Aznavour, whose book "Aznavour by Aznavour" is still read with great interest.

Hermann Hesse
The broadcast is dedicated to famous German writer Hermann Hesse's literary activities and especially to his well-known novel "Steppenwolf."

Conversation with Hasmik Papian
The great singer has a special attitude to the literary text, to literature. It was a great pleasure for her to read Kafka in German. She always has books by Hrant Matevosyan on her table. She also likes modern Armenian writers such as Alis Hovhannisyan, Hovhannes Yeranyan...

Arthur Miller
The outstanding American playwright and prose writer Arthur Miller showed through his plays the origins of the tragedy of the modern human, reaching great generalizations and thus recreating the faith of humans in the future.

Alain Robbe-Grillet
The novels of Alain Robbe-Grillet, French writer, screenwriter and film director, ideologist of the New Novel concept, member of the French Academy, surprised many readers, but many also did not accept him. That's why there were always heated debates over his works...

Conversation with Narine Avagyan
What is the secret of a writer whose works have many readers? Both adults and children read her collections with love. But how are the sentences born, which after being written do not belong, in some sense, to the author anymore?

Heinrich Böll
This episode is dedicated to the German writer and Nobel Prize winner Heinrich Böll, whose novels enriched the German-language literature with new characters and ideas. His most famous novel, "Group Portrait with Lady," brought great fame to the writer thanks to its extraordinariness...

Conversation with Armenuhi Demirchyan
The famous poet Silva Kaputikyan's centenary is coming soon. Armenuhi Demirchyan, Candidate of Philology, literary critic, Director of the Silva Kaputikyan House-Museum, explains a number of issues related to the anniversary events, to certain episodes of Kaputikyan's life, to the interest in her literary heritage...

Ray Bradbury's "Dandelion Wine"
The famous American writer Ray Bradbury wrote his novel “Dandelion Wine” in 1957, remembering his childhood. He turned the summer of 1928 into an interesting canvas of time and space, portraying his childhood home, family, and nature through the image of dandelions and vivifying wine made with them...

Interview with Armen Martirosyan
It is known that we are losing the tradition of buying books. What is our reader today, and what processes will help have more readers?...

1984 by George Orwell
The novel “1984” by English writer George Orwell is one of the most popular novels in the world nowadays also. Through this novel, the writer proves what consequences the loss of personality may have for the human being...

Conversation with Anush Alsibekyan
Literature and theater — with an inseparable connection, they give birth to drama. However, it turns out plays are written seldom today...

George Orwell
The novel “Animal Farm” by the English writer and publicist George Orwell is a type of allegorical prose that creates an interesting image of society and of the state through abundant multivoiced characters. It is today one of the most interesting and popular works in the world...

William Golding
In 1983, the famous English writer William Golding was awarded the Nobel Prize. He gained literary fame thanks to his novel "Lord of the Flies," which warned of the dangers of fascism. Allegories here give a general idea of the world and of time, and are philosophical in nature.

Conversation with Benik Stepanyan
The young poet talks about writing, education, literature textbooks, and many other things...

Swedish Literature of the Early 20th Century
A convergence of art and reality is remarkable in the Swedish literature of the 1920s. The influence of Henri Barbusse's literary magazine "Clarté" was of great importance, and modernist moods appeared in literature...

Conversation with Siranush Galstyan
Cinematography and literature – they are as close to each other, as it are far apart. They tell about space and time, light and color in all details, but also often change their languages, creating a mysterious and new world...

Cuban Literature of the First Half of the 20th Century
Among the Cuban prose writers of the first half of the 20th century were Carlos Loveira, Alfonso Hernández-Catá, and Alejo Carpentier. Poetry collections and series were characterized by the desire of freedom and by the influence of folk art. At the end of the 20s, Nicolás Guillén was famous. His poetry volume "Motives de son" is full of rhythms of folk songs and dances.

Henri Barbusse
French writer, journalist and revolutionary Henri Barbusse received literary fame thanks to his novel "Fire," which is dedicated to the revolutionization of mass consciousness...