The broadcast is dedicated to famous German writer Hermann Hesse's literary activities and especially to his well-known novel "Steppenwolf."
The Day in the Liturgical Calendar
Ex. 1:1-2:10, Joel 1:14-20
Ghazaros Aghayan, Zangi-Zrangi
Why do people get married? Hierarchy of the “owner” and “obedient” phenomena. The difference in family values in the West and the East. What are the restrictions for a wife and husband?
Speaker: Fr. Dajad Davidian
Host: Manuk Hergnyan
Readings From the Church Fathers
St. Basil of Caesarea, From the Second Homily on Fasting
Sargis the Grace-Filled, The Benefit of Mercy
The show presents the masterpieces of classics in performance of distinguished musicians, as well as provides comprehensive information about the lives and works of composers and performers, their role and influence on further development of...
The first encounter of each of us with good and evil begins from tales for children. Good wins, because it is God-given. Tales teach us to love, appreciate beauty, fight for justice, and empathize.