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Twenty-Eighth Day of Eastertide

The Day in the Liturgical Calendar

Acts 16:6-40, 2 Pet. 3:10-18, Jn. 7:1-13

Modest Mussorgsky, Boris Godunov

The libretto is based on the tragedy “Boris Godunov” by Alexander Pushkin, but the composer also used a number of historiographical articles and “The History of the Russian State” by Nikolay Karamzin. Mussorgsky completed the first edition of the opera in 1869 and the second, in 1872. The premiere of the opera took place on January 27, 1874, at the Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg.

St. John Mandakuni, On Approaching the Holy Eucharist with Caution and Fear

Readings From the Church Fathers

St. John Mandakuni, On Approaching the Holy Eucharist with Caution and Fear

Living Water

Living water, source of living water: this gives us possibility and power to be cleansed physically or spiritually. The myth about a living water that can heal, resurrect or grant immortality was common in beliefs and folklore of ancient peoples. But the Bible uses it in another sense. On the one hand, it is a real physical substance: the flowing water is living water that stays fresh and doesn't decompose. On the other hand, thanks to these qualities and as a material without which human existence is impossible, it gains a wide metaphorical meaning and becomes a symbol of highest spiritual values.


Twenty-Seventh Day of Eastertide

The Day in the Liturgical Calendar

Acts 15:30-16:5, 2 Pet. 3:1-9, Jn. 6:39-72

St. Jacob of Nisibis, On Faith

Readings From the Church Fathers

St. Jacob of Nisibis, On Faith

World Classical Music
The show presents the masterpieces of classics in performance of distinguished musicians, as well as provides comprehensive information about the lives and works of composers and performers, their role and influence on further development of...
Hour of Tales
The first encounter of each of us with good and evil begins from tales for children. Good wins, because it is God-given. Tales teach us to love, appreciate beauty, fight for justice, and empathize.