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Umberto Menotti Maria Giordano, Andrea Chénier

The author of the libretto is Luigi Illica. The Opera was premiered on March 28, 1896. The main character of the Opera is the famous French poet Andrea Chénier. At first, he welcomed the Great French Revolution, but later rejected the Jacobin dictatorship and terror, defended the king, and criticized the main leader of the Jacobins Maximilien Robespierre. Because of persecution, the poet tried to flee from Paris two times but was arrested. During the 140 days that he spent in prison, Andrea Chénier wrote his best poems, which inspired Luigi Illica in writing the libretto. On July 25, 1794, Chénier was accused of conspiring against the state and was executed on the same day.


Thirty-Fourth Day of Eastertide

The Day in the Liturgical Calendar

Acts 19:21-40, 1 Jn. 2:26-28, Jn. 8:31-59

St. Gregory of Tathev, Homily on Confession

Readings From the Church Fathers

St. Gregory of Tathev, Homily on Confession

King Pap’s Reforms and Land Demands

King Pap’s Reforms and Land Demands



Thirty-Third Day of Eastertide

The Day in the Liturgical Calendar

Acts 19:1-20, 1 Jn. 2:24-25, Jn. 8:21-30

World Classical Music
The show presents the masterpieces of classics in performance of distinguished musicians, as well as provides comprehensive information about the lives and works of composers and performers, their role and influence on further development of...
Hour of Tales
The first encounter of each of us with good and evil begins from tales for children. Good wins, because it is God-given. Tales teach us to love, appreciate beauty, fight for justice, and empathize.