Very often in our everyday life we, consciously or unconsciously, use ideas and expressions which are biblical, but do we know the meaning and significance of these invaluable words? Aren’t we using them inappropriately, out of place? The show “Reflections” touches upon these issues.

Forbidden Fruit
“Forbidden fruit” arouses interest in us; it seems so sweet and attractive. Worldly temptations are desires of body, desires of eyes, conceit of this life, which we can confront with the help of God.

Fig Leaf
“Fig Leaf” is а pitiful thing which people use to cover themselves in shameful situations. Since the times of Adam and Eve, what things have men not used as a fig leaf to cover their nudity.

Healthy People Don't Need a Doctor
In everyday life, this expression is used as a rejection of good advice as well as of medical recommendations. It's taken from the 9th Chapter of the Gospel according to Matthew.

Choosing the Best Part
In everyday life, this expression is used in the sense of choosing the best fate and making the most convenient and advantageous decision. It is taken from the Gospel according to Luke.

Copper Sounding
This means something big in appearance and very tinkling, but actually empty inside and unfruitful. This is how a grandiloquent and solemn but vain speech of a talentless, windbag orator is often called. The expression is taken from Chapter 13 of the First Epistle to Corinthians, where the Apostle Paul rings the Anthem of Love.

Green Pastures
The expression means pleasant, calm, abundant place. Used ironically, it has the opposite meaning – а place of alcoholism, obscenity, gambling. It is taken from Psalm 22. The Psalms are the glorification of God in the house of God. The Hebrew for Psalm is "mizmor" and means singing with music for the glory of God. The psalms are sung in all the world in hundreds of languages.

The name Benjamin is used with the meaning of son, often younger son, who is more loved by the parents and is surrounded by their tender care. God commands Jacob, who was weakened by the horror of possible attack of Canaanites, to go to Bethel, where He made a covenant with Jacob who was escaping from Esau to be saved. Bethel, "the house of God," is a holy place, and those who were desecrated by their participation in war or with the worship of idols should have been cleansed there before they continued their journey.

It Is Not Good for the Man to Be Alone
This means that a man needs to get married, it is hard to live alone. The expression is taken from the Book of Genesis, which tells about the origin of the world and shows the place of Israel in this world. Today's reader needs to imagine...

By the Sweat of Your Brow You Will Eat Your Bread
To work “by the sweat of the face” or “by the sweat of the brow” means to work, to toil, to labor a lot, hard, bitterly. The expression is taken from Chapter 3 of the Book of Genesis. “Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. And on the seventh day God finished his work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work that he had done.”

From Тimes of Adam
This expression is used with the meaning of old, ancient times. Adam is both the name of the ancestor of the human race as well as the general name for a human being. According to the Gook of Genesis, on the 6th day of the world creation God said: "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them."

To Keep Like an Apple of the Eye
This means to preserve and protect someone or something with special care, cautiously, very carefully, watchfully. From Chapter 31 of the Book of Deuteronomy we learn that Moses wrote all the words of the Law and gave them to the priests, the sons of Levi, who carried the ark of the covenant of the Lord, and to all the elders of Israel. Then a solemn ceremony took place at the Tabernacle, during which Moses passed the leadership of the people to Joshua.

To Serve Mammon
To serve Mammon means to care only about wealth, material values, indulge in physical pleasures. The expression is taken from Mt. 6:19-34 where, in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus speaks about wealth and prosperity. In contrast to transitory material values, which occupy our attention most of all, Christ calls His disciples to devote the first place to God, thus paying tribute to the eternal values, and to trust our Father in Heaven to satisfy our material needs here on earth.

Salt of the Earth
This expression symbolizes the most active powers among society, its most remarkable people. There are three meanings of salt, differentiated in Christian theology: 1. preserving from decay, 2. giving some taste to the being and life, 3. a cause of hunger among people toward the Kingdom of God. The expressions is taken from Chapter 5 of the Gospel of Matthew.

Solomon in All His Glory
In everyday life, this expression is used with the following meaning – a rich person who shamelessly exhibits his riches, authority, and power. It is taken from Chapter 12 of the Gospel of Luke, where the human material concerns are discussed in the verses 13-34.

Do Not Throw Your Pearls to Pigs
This expression is taken from Chapter 7 of the Gospel of Matthew. In his Sermon on the Mount, beside other topics, Jesus also talked about the necessity of not judging people. Matthew finishes the part on not judging people with the words that from the first sight seam difficult to understand and having no connection with what had been said before: "Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces."

Whatever a Man Sows, That He Will Also Reap
This means that each person is responsible for his/her actions, deeds and words. In everyday life, a little bit changed version is used: "What you sow, that you will reap" which means what the work is, the same is the result. This expression is taken from the Epistle to Galatians. This epistle mostly examines one of the fundamental theological issues that first Christians came across: how the Gospel of Jesus Christ could influence on the division between Jews and other people.

Kingdom of Heaven
This expression is used with the meaning of happiness and bliss, when somebody is said to be in the kingdom of heaven, in a safe, blissful state. The expression is taken from Chapter 3 of Matthew's Gospel, and it is found in this form only in that Gospel: “In those days of preaching John the Baptist said, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand...”

Scribes and Teachers of Law
After the Babylonian captivity, the prophecy ceased in Israel, and some people started to jealously preserve and study the existing Holy Scriptures. Before and after the birth of Christ during a century, they became the most influential group of people among the Jews. They were called scribes and teachers of Law.

In the times of Jesus Christ, the Jews also had, next to Pharisees, another party, the party of Sadducees. According to Josephus Flavius, unlike the Pharisees, they ignored the traditions of spiritual fathers and only accepted the Law of Moses.

Today a fake pious, insincere, empty and hollow person is called Pharisee. In the times of the New Testament, the Pharisees were the largest and most powerful party among the Jews.