Commentaries on Bible

Commentaries on Bible

 The Holy Bible in the Sacred Tradition of the Church. How to read, understand and carry out the Word of God. Commentaries of the Church fathers as the basis of the orthodox understanding of the Holy Scripture. How to treat the Holy Scripture and avoid superstitions and deviations. The Word of God as spiritual food, health, and guidance.

Heb. 11

Heb. 11

The definition of faith according to the Apostle Paul. The development of pre-Christian faith. The pursuit of the kingdom of God by the saints.

  • Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
Commentaries on Bible
Heb. 10

Heb. 10

The inner human sacrifice. Features of the New Testament

  • Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
Commentaries on Bible
Heb. 9

Heb. 9

The structure of the Old Testament sanctuary. Through Christ, humanity receives a new degree of priesthood. The uniqueness of human creation.

  • Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
Commentaries on Bible
Heb. 7-8

Heb. 7-8

Who was Melchizedek? Council of the Melchizedek Priesthood. Old and New Testaments.

  • Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
Commentaries on Bible
Heb. 6

Heb. 6

Stages of strengthening one’s faith. Each person can be baptized only once in their lifetime. The presence of people in the kingdom of heaven.

  • Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
Commentaries on Bible
Heb. 5

Heb. 5

The essence of priestly ministry. Melchizedek's story. How to understand the priesthood of Christ. Questions to the priest.

  • Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
Commentaries on Bible
Heb. 3-4

Heb. 3-4

There is some level of holiness in people that can be developed and deepened. Christ is the divine apostle of our faith. Christians must be ready to receive God in themselves. God's rest and peace.

  • Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
Commentaries on Bible
Heb. 2

Heb. 2

The necessary attitude towards rescue. People must come forward to divine love. Christ's sufferings and people's communion with those sufferings.

  • Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
Commentaries on Bible
Heb. 1

Heb. 1

Disagreements about the origin of the epistle. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit as one Godhead. The power of God's word.

  • Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
Commentaries on Bible


The greatest proof of faith is in works of faith. The importance as well as the great difficulties of the love for service. Questions to the priest.

  • Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
Commentaries on Bible
Titus 2-3

Titus 2-3

The apostle's exhortations to all age groups of people. How to serve chastity its very purpose, godliness. People can reach different levels of holiness in their lives. Marriage and the Christian Church.

  • Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
Commentaries on Bible
Titus 1

Titus 1

The main goal of apostolic activity is to spread the truth of Christ. Living godliness is coupled with the hope of eternal life.

  • Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
Commentaries on Bible
2 Tim. 3-4

2 Tim. 3-4

The sin of selfishness is the rejection of faith in God. The path to Christ is full of delusions. Apostle Paul about his impending martyrdom.

  • Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
Commentaries on Bible
2 Tim. 2

2 Tim. 2

All virtues are kindled in people by God's grace. Baptism symbolizes spiritual burial and resurrection. How to stay strong in faith. Consequences of apostasy.

  • Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
Commentaries on Bible
2 Tim. 1

2 Tim. 1

God's grace and mercy. Only in spiritual peace can spiritual gifts bear fruit and grow. If people share in Christ's sufferings, they also share in His resurrection․

  • Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
Commentaries on Bible
Tim. 5-6

Tim. 5-6

Teachings from the apostle to strengthen human relationships. Ordination of a priest. Service is an important characteristic in a Christian's life. Worldliness and godliness are in a deep opposition.

  • Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
Commentaries on Bible
Tim. 4

Tim. 4

Conscience is the herald of the kingdom of heaven in humans. Evil and conscience. How evil hinders a person on the path of faith. True Tradition and superstition.

  • Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
Commentaries on Bible
Tim. 3

Tim. 3

When seeking ecclesiastical positions, the specifics of the work should be considered. Love of money is the core of materialism. Heavenly Church of Christ.

  • Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
Commentaries on Bible
Tim. 2

Tim. 2

Prayer is the foundation of spiritual life. Gratitude and supplications during prayer. What are the behavioral characteristics of Christian women and men?

  • Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
Commentaries on Bible
Tim. 1

Tim. 1

Introduction to the epistle and its writing period. The peace of Christ. The inseparable bond of love and faith. The path of repentance begins with the inner awareness of sin.

  • Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
Commentaries on Bible