Commentaries on Bible

Commentaries on Bible

 The Holy Bible in the Sacred Tradition of the Church. How to read, understand and carry out the Word of God. Commentaries of the Church fathers as the basis of the orthodox understanding of the Holy Scripture. How to treat the Holy Scripture and avoid superstitions and deviations. The Word of God as spiritual food, health, and guidance.

Tim. 3

Tim. 3

When seeking ecclesiastical positions, the specifics of the work should be considered. Love of money is the core of materialism. Heavenly Church of Christ.

  • Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
Commentaries on Bible
Tim. 2

Tim. 2

Prayer is the foundation of spiritual life. Gratitude and supplications during prayer. What are the behavioral characteristics of Christian women and men?

  • Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
Commentaries on Bible
Tim. 1

Tim. 1

Introduction to the epistle and its writing period. The peace of Christ. The inseparable bond of love and faith. The path of repentance begins with the inner awareness of sin.

  • Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
Commentaries on Bible
2 Thess.

2 Thess.

With this epistle, the apostle prepares Christians for God's Judgment. Signs of the Coming of God. Expressing appreciation to God and its importance. Laziness and the danger of its spread.

  • Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
Commentaries on Bible
1 Thess. 1-3

1 Thess. 1-3

The apostle's exhortation to persevere in godliness. Patience comes from the true Christian hope․ Apostle Paul's expression of love and devotion to the Thessalonians.

  • Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
Commentaries on Bible
Phil. 1

Phil. 1

The circumstances and time period of writing the epistle. Spiritual actions must be based on theological knowledge. Faith is strengthened through suffering.

  • Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
Commentaries on Bible
Col. 4

Col. 4

The admonitions of the apostle to set the people on the right path. The true understanding and nature of obedience. How to maintain a strong family. Gratitude is a universal Christian principle.

  • Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
Commentaries on Bible
Col. 3 (1-17)

Col. 3 (1-17)

The Kingdom of Heaven is the living presence of God. The apostle's spiritual counsels to overcome sins of the flesh. The most important Christian virtues are fulfilled through love.

  • Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
Commentaries on Bible
Col. 2

Col. 2

It is through Jesus Christ that believers commune with the kingdom of heaven. The Apostle's exhortation to beware of sectarian superstitions. By the circumcision of faith, humans got the opportunity to be freed from sin.

  • Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
Commentaries on Bible
Col. 1

Col. 1

Apostle Paul's motives for writing the epistle. The process and importance of deepening the spiritual life. Through Christ, a human receives a path leading from the darkness of sin to the light of God.

  • Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
Commentaries on Bible
Eph. 6

Eph. 6

The divine basis of the parent-child relationship. The phenomena of God-pleasing and human-pleasing. Through disguised deceits, evil constantly tries to lure humans into sin.

  • Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
Commentaries on Bible
Eph. 5

Eph. 5

The basis and meaning of godlikeness is the true love. People outside the kingdom of God․ The contrast between the love for pleasures and contentment. The Sacrament of Repentance. The internal pattern of the Christian family.

  • Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
Commentaries on Bible
Eph. 4

Eph. 4

How the apostle interprets the unity of soul and body. God's creation is carried out on earth through the Son. The indwelling of God in a human being.

  • Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
Commentaries on Bible
Eph. 3

Eph. 3

Redemption unfolding among the Gentiles. The new heritage of the Church of Christ. It is through humility that we can approach and please God. The purity of the human heart is the basis of the true knowledge of God.

  • Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
Commentaries on Bible
Eph. 2

Eph. 2

Sin is an act against God's law. A human living in sin is isolated from the living presence of God. The etymology of the word “evil.” The symbolism of Christ's blood. Jesus Christ is at the basis of the activities of apostles and prophets.

  • Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
Commentaries on Bible
Eph. 1

Eph. 1

The role of the Church of Ephesus in world history: the Third Ecumenical Council of Ephesus. The pursuit of the citizenship of heaven is one of the important goals of a Christian's life. Is there a contradiction between God's predestination and human free will? Gift of adoption.

  • Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
  • Host: Araks Poghosyan
Commentaries on Bible
Gal. 5-6

Gal. 5-6

The forms of open and hidden manifestations of sectarianism. Real and fake freedom. The love for neighbor comes from love for God. The way of spirituality. The basis of the contrast between body and soul.

  • Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
  • Host: Araks Poghosyan
Commentaries on Bible
Gal. 3-4

Gal. 3-4

The sacrifice and Abraham's faith. Abraham's spiritual heritage. With the coming of Christ, humanity was given the grace of adoption. The fulfiller of prayer is the Spirit. The relationship between the Law and the faith.

  • Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
  • Host: Araks Poghosyan
Commentaries on Bible
Gal. 1-2

Gal. 1-2

Apostle Paul's warnings about Gospel distortions. The explanation of being accursed. The Old Testament prepares us to know God in the New Testament.

  • Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
  • Host: Araks Poghosyan
Commentaries on Bible
2 Cor. 11

2 Cor. 11

The sins of people cannot affect the holiness of the Church. The humility of the apostle Paul․ Satan's efforts to mislead people. How does the apostle substantiate his being a true apostle of God?

  • Speaker: Fr. Mesrop Aramian
  • Host: Araks Poghosyan
Commentaries on Bible